Tango scars and self-healing

My last tango memory before the pandemic was the poem Sin Palabras I wrote on 3 February 2020 – the night before I left Buenos Aries after three years away since having moved back to Europe. Little did I know that, by the time I returned to Switzerland, life was turned upside down and everything tango froze right there right then.

Soon enough, like everything else, tango went online – courses, talks, fora, roundtables, and shared memories filled with nostalgia. It seemed that the global tango community had collectively exhibited a high level of resilience to keep up the spirit and, perhaps, to encourage each other not to give up in the middle of the disruption. To my surprise, I felt reluctant and eventually made the conscious choice not to sign up for these activities because – secretly – I felt deeply relieved … from tango.

It was as though that, finally, I could afford no excuse but to sleep well, eat well, meditate well; to relax, reflect, and recharge at my own pace; and to live a healthier life without emotional obsession and physical exhaustion. The nights after nights staying up late, weeks after weeks running from one marathon to another, months after months longing for the summer bliss down south, and years after years not being able to overcome the fear of “missing out”, seemed all gone overnight. I felt unapologetically free – free from the self-enslaving, the disillusion of joy, and the deception of a good life of happy dancing…

Then suddenly one day, tango revived. The long-lost excitement to dress up and get on the dance floor, the all-too-familiar melody of sentiments and melancholies, and the heart-warming connections with another sensitive soul, all came back just like that. Alongside the overwhelmingly beautiful sensations, resurfaced too the tango scars that have been accumulating over the years, that somehow have never been properly processed, that still hurt so much across time and space, and that revealed the deepest vulnerabilities of ourselves…

Why is it so difficult to heal the tango scars? What is it that trapped us in resentment, indignation, grudge, and grievance? How can we forget, forgive, let go, and ultimately, reconcile with ourselves? Why did I feel relieved in the past two and half years? Was it because, at least partially, of my inability of coping with all that emotional baggage? Is it healthy though to avoid confronting with our own vulnerabilities – the fear of being judged, classified, labelled, excluded, or worst of all, rejected? What are the more constructive approaches to access the true emotional freedom?

Recognition of our feelings is probably the first step. Feel the pain, acknowledge that it is hurtful, accept the damage it made, be mindful of the distress it caused, encounter the discomfort it brought, and go through that painful process one last time. Ask ourselves the obvious question: “Do I really wish to keep the pain inside of me for the rest of my life, or do I rather release it and move on?”.

The answers to simple questions are usually more complex. Respecting the limits as well as the demons of ourselves (and of our partners) is therefore important. Ask ourselves honestly: “Did I feel hurt because of malicious intentions, careless behaviours, or insensitive remarks of others; or of my own unrealistic expectations, potential mis-interpretations, or deeply-seated insecurities that got provoked and amplified?”. There may be intricate shades of grays in our emotional blockages, and it helps us to heal by unpacking the nuances of the different shades.

If self-healing is the ultimate end, then self-care is the means paving the way to achieve that end. Society generally does not encourage holistic, organic, non-invasive, and slow-paced remedies. Allowing time and space for self-healing can therefore be a challenge, in that we may end up being too harsh on ourselves along the way. Ask ourselves gently here: “How exactly do I feel at this moment? Do I feel mis-treated or mis-understood? Do I feel like crying? Do I need support from a trusted friend? Do I need more time to get over the sorrow or regret?”. Allowing is not a symbol of giving in, but the very manifestation of authenticity.

Finally, a reasonable level of self-reflection on our own pride and prejudice is beneficial to our wellbeing. Ask ourselves the tough questions: “Have I intentionally or unintentionally hurt others? Did I do it out of anger, frustration, humiliation, jealousy, revenge, ego, unmet needs, or unsatisfied desires? Have I thought about how others may feel then and now? Will I be able to confess, apologize, or take the initiative to (re)extend my hands to them?”. At the end of the day, it takes two to tango, doesn’t it?

May your tango scars get healed with love, care, and peace…























The lake is still there

The lake was mesmerizing

…when I saw it the first time

It took my breath away

…and captivated time

It then became the background

of my daily routines…

The daily routines

that dried up my dreams…

I know that…

it gradually lost its charm

But I did not know that…

it looked eventually

just a massive pond

awkwardly stood

in the middle of the city…

The lake brings me home

…when I see it years after

It warms my heart

and takes me back in time…

It then reminds me

of my long-gone youth…

The fearless youth

that was painted with poems…

I know that…

it never actually changed

But I did not know that…

it is still there

for me and with me

even though I once

fiercely ran away from it…

The lake is still there…

No matter how far I have gone

It remains there…

No matter how little it meant to me

It reminds me of the past…

It is still there…

It is there…


回忆之 — 17年春节

记忆中14年的秋天是属于反思的,就是那种一个生命的离去带给另一个生命的重生的反思。年底终于决定不再继续为吃到更好的面包而贩卖青春了,于是萌生了按着自己想要的生活去生活的念头。15年用了一整年着手准备,到年底一切都顺利安排好了。那时候觉得心力憔悴,需要在再次启程之前休息和调整,于是决定去一个遥远的地方过一段简单的生活。阿根廷几乎是“顺理成章”地出现在了眼前 — 哪里会比这个远在天涯海角的、充满自由气息的、极度包容和感性的国度更加令人神往呢?没想到三个月的假期变成了半年,半年的约定转而又变成了一年……

不知为什么,阿根廷对我来说是一片神奇的土地 — 不是因为它地大物博,不是因为它异域风情,也不是因为它后来把我带到了曼妙的探戈世界;而是因为我虽然不认识它,可我却“记得”它,我居然莫名其妙地“记得”它!第一次去阿根廷背包旅行是13年,那时是因为人力资源部以瑞士劳动保护法为名义“逼着”我不得不休年假而临时起兴的。那之前对南美几乎没什么概念,除了国政课上学到的东西和旅行计划中尚未踏足的一块大陆。然而生平第一次走在布宜诺斯艾利斯的街头,我却神奇地发现我居然“记得”那个地方 — 我怎么会“记得”一个从未去过的地方呢?我怎么会那么熟悉那里的大街小巷呢?我怎么会莫名其妙地感觉那里是我的家呢?我又怎么会阴差阳错地与探戈结缘呢?…… 那里有太多说不清的东西,以至于除了”神奇”两个字我找不到更贴切的描述。

16年在阿根廷生活的一年充满了美好的回忆,是我迄今为止渡过的最为简单快乐和踏实自在的日子。我一边学习西语一边潜心研究人体工程学,同时与众多来自多元文化的新老朋友探讨社会与人生。最为不可思议的是在这样几乎“无我”的氛围中,我却可以清晰地感受到自己的内心。许多困扰我多年的、总是不愿面对的问题都慢慢地释然了 — 有些想明白了,有些不再是问题了,有些仪式感地放下了,还有些好像没必要纠结了。就这样,我的身体和灵魂在阿根廷经历了一个神奇的“净化”过程。一年之后,我感觉自己可以轻装上阵、再次启程了,第一站就是回到中国。

自从07年离开北京之后,春节就变成了一个基本与我没什么关系的节日。如果不是家人和朋友们发送的祝福,我几乎感觉不到那与平常的冬日有什么区别。然而,17年春节把我突兀地拉回到了遥远的记忆 — 春晚、年夜饭、爆竹声、全家福、破五的饺子、和十五的月亮。那一年,我也第一次看到了一个完全进入数字时代的中国 — 如果说08年夏天我为翻天覆地、焕然一新的城市面貌而鼓舞,那么17年春节我则是被突飞猛进、日新月异的数字化进程所震撼。相比于欧洲保守低调的文化、稳定富裕的民生、以及多年来踯躅不前的经济,中国更像一只充满活力、敏捷灵动、出其不意的独角兽,早已一跃成为了世界舞台上举足轻重的领导者。

我第一次清楚地意识到在欧洲生活了十年的自己与中国完全脱节了 — 欧洲的十年什么都没发生,而地球另一端的中国早已进入了下一个次元。而我的生活呢?我即将开启一个全新的篇章,回头从事多年前由于机会不成熟而暂时放弃了的研究课题。我为此付出了十年的坚持,绕了一大圈之后最终还是不忘初心地回到了原点。这一走又将会是多久呢?人生有多少时间可以这样绕圈呢?绕来绕去最终又会花落谁家呢?回首看着一去不返的青春,我的耳边忽然想起了久违的诗句 — “莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君”。是啊,既然选择了随心的道路,何不将心愿进行到底?带着长久以来对未知的好奇与兴奋、和重新找到的对生活的坦然自若,我平静而坚定地回到了阔别一年的瑞士……

回忆之 — 14年夏天



从入职的第一天开始,新工作就给了我前所未有的广阔舞台,我积蓄已久的能量像死灰复燃的火山一样顷刻间爆发了出来。每天清晨我都像东升的旭日,红红火火地弹跳着从地平线上升起,热烈地拥抱着蓝天和白云。我终于又一次感受到了生活的节奏,以及这种节奏带给我的满足感。这种满足感不光来自于对项目的驾轻就熟和屡战屡胜的战绩,很大程度上还来自于老板的赏识和重用,以及江湖任我游的气势和逍遥。那时摆在我面前的不是蹉跎而过的岁月,不是未雨绸缪的规划,也不是我真正需要的是什么这样的精神命题;我所乐此不疲的只是下一个项目、下一个会议、下一个报表、和下一个ppt。那个20多岁时甘于晃晃悠悠、无所事事的自己仿佛脱胎换骨了 — 原来比自由更有趣的是……成就。


就在我在病床前陪伴姥爷最后的日子里,瑞士传来了惊天动地的管理高层变动的消息,我被要求立即回去参与“重要”的项目重组。有什么事情比亲人生命的最后一刻更加“重要”呢?管理高层与我何干?项目重组关我何事?我不过混在职场用汗水换薪水,我真的没那么“重要”。然而,正是因为我没那么“重要”,我没有选择的权利,也没有评判什么是“重要”的资格;我可以不喜欢,但不可以不同意;我可以不高兴,但不可以不执行。带着深深的遗憾和自责,我向姥爷的生命最后告别 — 那个看着我从小长大、看着我离家远去、看着我愈飞愈远的生命在我转身之后结束了。我知道他担心我的未来 — 那个我还没来得及规划的未来,那个我总以为还有的是时间去实现的未来,那个可能到今天都仍然是未来的未来。就这样,14年夏天我失去了两样东西 — 姥爷和理想……

回忆之 — 11年秋天


北京慢慢地变成了一个遥远而亲切的怀念 — 那种在夜深人静、灯红酒绿之后忽然浮现在脑海中的牵挂,然而它却离我的生活遥不可及。“家”隐隐地变成了一个既模糊又清晰的概念 — 模糊的是不知道它究竟意味着什么,清晰的是它其实不过是一个人居住的地方。当生活围绕着梦想展开的时候,一切琐碎都好像不那么重要了,人就会变得愈发洒脱和快乐。我想那就是年轻时的幸福感吧?玩得起也输得起,拿得起也放得下 — 北京也许就是那样不知不觉地被我“放下”了…… 

再次回到北京,我显然已“心有所属”,加上奥运会前后翻天覆地的城市建设,我已找不到当年那个属于我的北京了。因为怀旧,特意去日坛公园附近曾经居住过的公寓转了转,想不到一些尘封心底的往事仍然历历在目。当年我也是深爱着北京的,就像我后来心驰神往地迷恋日内瓦一样;当年我也是自由自在地晃在北京的,就像我后来无拘无束地漂在瑞士一样;当年我也是在北京的都市森林中寻找梦想的,就像我后来在欧洲的中世纪古堡和石子路之间寻找内心的宁静一样…… 在哪里、说什么、吃什么这样的繁杂琐事真的那么重要吗?还是闯江湖、笑红尘、乐逍遥那样的情怀更令人意气风发呢?

在我的中文还没完全捋顺之前,11年秋天在北京的短暂停留就告一段落了。我感觉生活好像已经为我做出了决定 — 北京不再是我的北京了,住在哪里哪里就是家了。我忽然怀念起了我在日内瓦租住的温馨的小公寓,和盼着我尽快回到瑞士的戏剧社的朋友们,甚至那些相交如水的同事和老板。在那个高度国际化的环境里,我们都是“外国人”,我们都说着跟母语相去甚远的外语,感受着跟自己没什么关系的陌生文化。然而我们都按照自己的意愿没有包袱地生活着,对酒当歌、人生几何。相比之下,那些汉文化中丝丝缕缕、剪不断理还乱的情愫更像无边的桎梏,束缚着我的灵魂、禁锢着我的思想。我觉得是时候离开了,不曾想这一走又是三年。

回忆之 — 08年夏天



那年夏天的记忆与奥运会相关,因为那是北京第一次像模像样地出现在世界舞台上。那之前除了去过中国的,欧洲人几乎没有可以正确拼读“北京”的。在时差还没完全倒回来之前,我已被酷热难当的北京盛夏一把拉回到了现实。原来记忆中久违了的关于生活的窒息、忙碌、琐碎和苟且仍然不由分说地存在着,原来日夜思念的北京胡同和北京小吃只是上班族朝九晚五的一部分,原来在美好的回忆与没那么美好的现实之间我不知不觉地恍惚了…… 暑假过到一半的时候,说不清为什么,我忽然盼着那个夏天尽快结束;我忽然觉得北京的车水马龙和人山人海让人四脚朝天地“活着”,而安静、干净、清静的欧洲才给人诗和远方的“生活”。


Ms. Mirada

Ms. Mirada has the most enchanting mirada I’ve ever seen. Every time I feel her mirada sparkling in the air, I know that I’d become her prey – yet again – delightfully, cheerfully and agreeably…

Ms. Mirada probably never intended to hunt. There’s always some fascinating innocence behind her gaze. Sometimes, I wonder how she could keep this fresh and natural pureness uncontaminated – like a spring forest full of soft mushrooms and delicate sprouts. I feel myself helplessly enamoured to travel through the woods, and to taste the chilling spring due.

Ms. Mirada has the most captivating mirada I’ve ever seen. Every time I encounter her mirada in my wandering, I understand that I’d have nowhere to escape – but to stay – hopelessly, irresistibly and mightily…

Ms. Mirada probably has no idea how powerful she is. There’s always some miraculous force in her gaze. Oftentimes, I admire how she could tame my pride so effortlessly and gracefully – like an angelic healing voice chanting straight into my wounds and scars. I feel myself deeply vulnerable to be disarmed by her soothing energy, yet proudly content to be immersed in her radiant presence.

Ms. Mirada has the most nourishing mirada I’ve ever seen. Every time I lose myself inside her mirada, I feel that I’ve made it home from afar – at last – safely, serenely and authentically…


Sin palabras

Me dijiste que
sin palabras,
escuchas una historia diferente…

Sabía usted que
es la misma historia,
contada de diferentes maneras …

Sabía usted que
todo lo que quería
es contarte la historia…

Quería contarte la historia,
tanto que estoy perdida
en mis propias emociones…

Quería contarte la historia,
tanto que lo olvidé que
quizás no haya espacios en tu vida,
para una historia
que no tiene nada que ver contigo

quería contarte la historia…
Y contarla
de diferentes maneras,
con o sin palabras…


Club Gricel

One of the most stunning salons in Baries that earns my tribute every time I’m here. Not least to mention its friendliness and generosity to welcome everyone to its beautiful dance floor – even a fresh tanguera like myself, who barely knew how to dance on my very first trip to Argentina as a backpacker years back… 🌸☘️🍄🦋💞
